What a weekend. I think we did more socializing this weekend then we have in 3 years. I am still worn out.
Friday night ( after a day of making food for sunday) Jason, Kathy and Diana came over. Havent seen them in awhile and Dean hasnt seen them since Christmas.. ( even if on friday Dean had a few and went downstairs to sneak in speed vision- shaking my head-) my husband doesnt talk much... but at least his "presence" was here :p so Kathy and I ended up shooting the shit as we normally do... eclectic conversations that can either make me almost pee my pants or serious intelligent ones that i normally cant get out of my husband :p
saturday we headed over to swc for their open house walkthrough... it was very odd walking through their halls once again. I thought I would get all choked up and nostalgic but felt more closure and nothingness then anything else... wierd and robotic how i showed dean and the kids my classrooms etc and didnt get the pangs for my youth i thought i would... it was more like it was someone elses life i was pointing out... it was so long ago and so distanced from my life that I have now. I ran into my old science teacher who knew me right away... ' hello miss Stewart"... very odd.. ;p that was 23 years ago and he still knew me right away.
We then headed over to Vicky`s 30th party.. at her friends house. hung out their for 2 hours.. ate far too many deviled eggs and cheesies and then came home to get ready for the swc dinner.. my mother was omfg annoying.. so loud.. man she was getting on our nerves.. i thought dean was going to lose his mind. she dropped us off at the fallsview casino and there i had far too much wine.. sat with my old principal who i called the wrong name... did really bad teacher impersonations and every graduate from 1960 on thought i was my mother.. good times. Only say a handful of people i recognised. hey at least it was a night out.. and I got some free wine glasses and a centerpiece :p we then took a cab home at 1am.
Sunday we went over to his parents place.. where we were met by the entire Bilski clan ... most of whom i havent seen since my wedding day 9 years ago... yes we are such a close family :p Mrs Bilski got her digs into me every chance she could and even took me by the arm up to her bedroom to show me her ironed sweatshirts.. she says i make dean do ALL THE HOUSEWORK ( UM SURE) and SHE does and HOUR of ironing a DAY.. and THIS is how you DO it SUSAN... ok.. why me? why didnt she take Tanya up? or anyone else? why does she always critisize ME??? in 21 years i still havent done anything right. She thinks i over work her golden boy deanie. I wont even post the nasty hateful things she said about hitler and the jews all day... if it werent for tanya ( and angela) I prob. would have walked home at 3 LOL at least noone cried or I wasnt told to get the "fuck out of their house".... sigh
I wish Tanya and jamie + kids and ang his sister lived closer... devon got along great with his cousin cole... they played all day together... next time they see each other they will be teens.. u watch.. sigh. but when in the heck are we supposed to get up to Montreal? The last time I saw Wayne he was 16.. hes now 25... scary.. same with Crystal and chantal.. they are 19 and 21 now.. they were younger then russell at our wedding. We missed their entire teen years. which really is scary since delia, chantal and crystal only live in Hamilton :p ( now sarnia as of 2 1/2 months ago)
Monday we had vicky and sean over for dinner and a fire... omg i dont think i will ever look at the one picture of me plastured at the swc reunion without wetting my pants.. sean actually had me laughing so hard doing his impression of it.. its on my facebook pics- anyway.. i look at the "drunk" pics- all except that one didnt make it to facebook lolol.. and i see my mother omg lol I dont drink that often but wow.. i was nervous which didnt help and i had 6 red wines HAHA
Deans off until friday. Hes gone fishing at the moment. I have cramps from HELL... i should be on the treadmill... maybe after i pop some advil gel caps..
oh yeah and my coffee maker broker.. not the canister this time but the actual maker..so i had to bring out the dribble machine... not happy. POS.
better go light a fire under my ass and do something other than sit on the computer all day.Devon starts baseball tonight too!!! I hope he likes it- and doesnt get all mad too that its not all kids hes playing with- ( hes with the special olympics) I also hope he doesnt blurt out embarrassing things either- like are you retarded??? sigh...
until next time...
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