Tuesday, May 5, 2009

tuesday may 5th

I went for a power walk yesterday. After i drove the kids into school, I went to the park beside my old house and did the cycle path 4 1/2 times fast. My shins were killing me last night. I didn't think I would make it after the third time around but I did it with the help of Queen ;p. Poor buddy by the 4th time was behind me. I wish we had a park like that around here...

Would have liked to go again this morning but I have to sit here from 8-12pm waiting for cogeco to show up- were having the phones switched over again...hopefully there wont be any problems.. I remember when we were trying to sell the house and Bell "accidently" dug up cogeco's lines in front of our house and cut my phone lines... we went over a week without a phone- this was before i even had a cell phone... i remember having to call them every day from my neighbours... stupid people would tell me " we will call you..." um HOW? I kept telling them i am CALLING from a NEIGHBOURS house... and none of the 20 year old call centre people could believe that I didnt own a cell phone.. like i was some oddity... not to mention what having tree house out for over a week did ... it was a nightmare lol...

anyway...I hope devon doesnt give me a hard time this morning like he did yesterday omg.. i have to get him on that bus .. I cant drive him in.. knowing my luck cogeco will show up at and i wont be here..I wish Dean was here...sigh

I hope it doesnt rain when dean is home.. it seems like he goes on the road and the weather is wonderful... everyone is out working in their yards/gardens and the kids are playing outside.... he comes home and its freezing and raining... how fair is that. we have a truck load of dirt coming tomorrow morning... it better now rain!

622am... I better get russell up.. its his track and field today.. i hope he didnt sneak to be awake late last night and play games or something... hard to hear from my room and I crashed early so i didnt go back down and check...

going to go chug another coffee and cross my fingers and say a prayer for a smooth morning...

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