Wednesday, October 28, 2009

geesh... I was so friggen tired yesterday I could have napped on and off all day ( had devon NOT been home and wanted my attention all day... sigh) and here I am up at 430am now... having gone to bed at 1115. why is this? I will be tired again in 2 hours.

going to keep devon home again- not that hes not raring to go and hopping around as usual, but he still looks like crap and coughing all the time... I am sure even if I DID send him the school would be calling me. All this media hype about this swine flu is leaving me confused and scared... esp now that this 13 year old died... and then the 10 year old from ottawa on the weekend... both started to feel better than WHAM... so how do I know if devon just has a seasonal cold or flu or something worse? even if i DID take him to a clinic or dr that would say to just keep him home and treat it like the flu... that poor 13 year old went to the clinic sunday and dead on monday , the drs having told the father to go home and dr him with over the counter stuff and plenty of fluids...and how do I know that devon doesnt have some underlying chronic illness? just LOOK at him... and he has a perpetual runny nose from sept. - april... sigh,..

because I am keeping devon home I have no CLUE how we are going to run errands.. do I make dean do it all and I stay home? he still has to go to the bank.. I cant do that for him... and I have an appt with the massage therapist at 115. except for literally maybe an hour I have been home since last thursday.. I myself am getting cabin fever.. and i am hacking as usual..and so so tired... which scares me.. I usually dont feel this whipped with just my usual cold gone into my chest thing.. i want to nap all the time now and I have been "sick"since 2 days after Thanksgiving.

damn this whole h1n1 crap.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

YAY it's Tuesday! lol. Dean is coming home... all shall be well :p

Threw my back out yesterday morning.. lower left side this time... I was reaching for the milk in the fridge and I felt the burn and spasm... been walking around like an old lady ever since... stairs of course are worse... trying to stretch the are out and have had two jaccuzis and aleive but this morning wow. Taking mum's massage therapist appt for tomorrow or I may not be walking by thursday. Doesn't help I am coughing and its spasming.. or that I steam cleaned the carpets the night before...prob contributed.

Devon has been sick since Friday. it was a very very very quiet weekend :) :P. He basically slept the entire weekend but seemed whiny and getting back to his usual demanding, moody self by last night... and he doesnt seem hot now. which is good but boy was it calm and peaceful here all weekend ;p he's still coughing and really pale so I will keep him home at least one more day... wouldnt want him to miss Halloween, that would suck.

I still feel a bit whipped... still coughing.. still tired.. we were supposed to go to sick kids today for devon's mri but I had to cancel.. even if he wasn;t sick they have major probs with people hacking in the hospital..They put is on their cancellation list which they said could be another 6 months...we waited to get THIS appt from march,... geesh by the time he gets an mri he will be 9, waiting from the time he was 7...knowing MY luck, the next appt I will be sick with something NEW lol

I will write later- its 638 and russell's been in the shower since 615... better get him going or he will miss the bus,...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I see a pattern here... blog all the time... then don't blog for weeks... actually I don't get a lot of computer time... between the kids and other kids coming in here I get a few minutes here and there and not really enough time to sit and write anything.. even this morning ( its 557am) I have to get russell up in a couple of minutes.. than devon and start the day rolling...

I have barely slept this week... between post nasal drip at night making me wheeze, cough and gag... or the dog.. or cat.. or my bladder or kids, I jump up after having only gone to bed a couple of hours before. Last night I went to bed at 1230,... listening to my lungs and throat crack, pop and sound like a dying bag pipe... i finally fell asleep a little after 1 only to be waken up at 415,,. i really contemplated trying really hard to go back to sleep then said to myself fuck it,..I hear my alarm going off in my room right now- for 6am. I then feel guilty cuz dean will come home today and tonight i will be exhausted and prob. fall asleep by 9 on the couch- but at least tuesdays dean is exhausted too.

I just finished paying the utilities and bills online... there goes my child tax credit- but at least telus, water, gas and visa is paid for the month- dean will have to pay hydro- just cant swing another 270 odd bucks :p we have to cough up $250 for devons therapy some how too- and russell needs 40 today for a class trip for drama to toronto next week... plus I am getting my hair cut this morning AND need to get something at the butcher for dinner. sigh... why oh why didnt we win lotto max on the weekend?! 25 million would have sure come in handy! :) on the bright side we managed to only go into overdraft 2.71 cents in our joint account even WITH having dean home and paying for meds... so thats def. a plus! i was really fucking dreading looking at the balance this morning... not looking forward to christmas.... if it werent for that we would keep our head just above water... sigh I wish someone could hand me a job monday, tuesday and fridays between 9 and 3 :p that would be absolutely perfect... esp if russell goes and gets himself a job soon- my child tax credit will then be reduced by a couple hundred because of his disability.. once he starts work its cut off.. which is ironic.. cuz its not like his med bills go away!!! but according to the gov't if hes capable of working than his disabilites just seem to disappear into thin air...and the fact we no longer have any medical benefits.. yeah that makes it so much easier.

I dont want to go wake russell.. i wish i had an intercom yeah i am that lazy ( and tired! lol) i figure i have about 5 minutes until i have to scramble... he has to be out at the bus for 20 after 7..

I wish dean didnt have to go back to work this week- it was so nice having him home for a whole week. It would be nice if we saw each other every night...

I am going to be so dead on my feet by the time i get home after my errands and appts today.. I am already tired and every joint in my body is aching,..

well i must be off- otherwise russell would sleep till noon- lol
