Saturday, February 21, 2009

cooking classes?? in a recession? hmmm

I would like to give cooking classes.. in my home.. you supply the meal idea you want to cook and the MAIN ingredients.. I will supply the pantry ingredients and equipment and of course my professional expertise... I will only charge for labour ( depending also on how many we cook for) with my overhead and costs already factored in- per hour. so- you would get to take home a delicious meal cooked already by an expert ( with a culinary management degree) and shown how to do it ( you participating of course) already portioned out to whatever amounts we have made in take out containers to take home to your family or whoever to enjoy... great concept.. but in a recession who the hell esp HERE in Niagara is gonna pay for such a service.. hmmm....anyone KNOW of anyone interested???


  1. How much would you be charging Su?? I have always wanted to learn how to cook. :D

  2. I never worked anything out... I figured around 40ish all included for the whole meal- assuming it was portioned for 4.. but thats a guess-timate.. i would have to factor in the cost of the pantry expenses depending on what recipe was being made,.. my overhead costs etc.. i dont know what I would charge for labour yet because of those/based on those things.. but i am thinking around 15 bucks an hour..( thats what I charged TEN years ago when i catered) assuming the average ( basic) meal from prep to finish ( slowed down version so i can show whats going on) would be 30 bucks in labour cost (or around 2 hours) and remember.. the person is supplying their own main ingredients.. thats just MY cost. If it was basic recipes then obviously your meal can be cheaper..but not alot I can produce in an hour if I have to show someone step by step while youre trying to reproduce it along side me as well...

    I was talking to someone in Toronto yesterday and apparently theres something like this service already up there and is quite popular and a hell of alot more $$ too. They go right to your home to do it so they arent supplying anything but their services- the person has to supply everything right down to the pots/pans flour, oil and spices etc.

    I personally cant see people in my neighbourhood wanting this.. nor would I want to go INTO their homes to cook.. they eat kraft dinner, pizza and hotdogs all the time so i can only imagine what kind of "equipment and pantry" they would have lol

    and the thing is too- how do i do it in a house that has two crazy kids home all the time? lol they would have to come during the day when they are in school :p
