Monday, February 9, 2009

my first blog

So instead of creating a new journal- or basically pages and pages of "ramblings" in "word perfect" on this NEW computer, that will never make it to a book in the near future , I have decided my brother ( and millions before him) might have the right idea.. type/blog my random thoughts.

I cant say I LIKE this idea a whole lot. I was HAPPY with the idea that all MY ideas/words were "safe" in word perfect... tucked away under password.. only accessible if I chose them to be... I have so many pages- poems, thoughts, random ideas over the years that I had so carefully written even when " blogging" wasn't in vogue. If I wanted to share these ideas then I carefully would copy and paste them into carefully chosen emails and then sent to carefully chosen people. I don't know.. perhaps I should give up on the idea of a "book" this many years later... there doesn't seem to be an ending.,,its a book or "rambling" of my life.. so therefore it was never ending project. How DID I ever expect it to be finished? If I choose in the future at some point to actually do something about it well, who in the heck is REALLY going to read this blog anyway? lol

For those who DO know me and WILL read this they prob. already have read my ramblings from years gone by... or perhaps not... perhaps I will copy and paste things from my old computer once i figure out how to get them OFF of there lol. For those who know me as well, you KNOW I have a tendency to ramble.. my emails can get incredibly long winded ( esp in the middle the night).. so maybe this is a good thing... I can type what I have to say on HERE and well, MAYBE if I get it out I wont feel the need to flood your inbox with more incessant ramblings...:) then again this is ME so dont hold your breath ;p not to mention that although this is my blog, and my thoughts, its not a forum for me to take liberties to air all sorts of private things, secrets and the like for everyone to see either. If I choose to say something personal about me or my private life thats my business but it can get really sticky once you start talking about 3rd parties... this isnt a "journal" anymore protected by password.

anyhow- its 348am. I got "kicked" out of bed by devon.. who rolled over and left me no room on my queen size bed.. and when i woke up my left foot was totally asleep- no not the regular pins and needles sleep- the throbbing topamax pain of "totally asleep" so I sat up rubbing it.. then i realize i was wheezing.. then I started to cough.. then i had to blow my nose ( thanks Vicky) and then i had to go to the bathroom... then i thought great.. its only a little after 2 and I am up. Of course its a school day too.. alarm goes off promptly at 6am.. If i ever decided to get off the computer i will sneak back for a quick nap before the alarm goes off..

I dont have alot to do today- I have some forms for Russells drs appt in Toronto wednesday I have to finish that I have been avoiding... and i have three book shelves to put together now. Its usually on days where I DONT have anything planned that the school calls me or something comes up in some form of chaos...God forbid a day go by that goes by undetected on the drama radar.

perhaps if I get a chance and I feel insightful or something else i may blog later... who knows. For now I am crawling back into bed with the dog, cat and youngest kid and hope the two more hours before the alarm goes off is enough to make me pleasant and rested enough to deal with these two kids and what they can " throw" at me in the morning routine...



  1. w00t! Blog!!

    welcome to the world of blogging....careful, it's crazy in here! :D

  2. hey sis welcome to blogging. Yes i was very touched you got me the calendar. I figured i would go calendarless for the first time in about 30 years. Thanks again that was very cool!
