Saturday, February 14, 2009

saturday morning so far-

well I almost got to sleep by myself last night. Devon fell asleep on the couch in the games room so I picked him up and put him in his own bed. Maybe I jinxed it when i was talking to dean around 1100pm and told him this because Devon then appeared on the stairs saying he was "too hot" and didnt want to sleep. I attempted to put him back in his bed 3 times even with a story, 2 pep talks and a mild lecture.. like that worked,... 5 minutes later he was in my bed. sigh. I will try again tonight. i am hoping on the increase ( meds) he will be back to the falling asleep a little earlier and staying asleep through the night... I just wish i had my own bed when Dean wasnt home.

My back is killing me and I cant wake up this morning. I feel like I was drinking last night but didnt have a drop. I am on my 4th coffee and 3 glasses of water... been up for 1 1/2 hours and i had 7 hours sleep. I know i have to start cleaning.. I got my central vac back on thursday and I really should be vaccuming in here. The games room is a sty and i dont even want to see what the kids did in the rec room last night when they were watching movies last night. I also have to do devons laundry and his bedding and ours. Yuck. I hate housework lol. I know as soon as the big kids roll out of bed the fighting will begin... they will get on Devons nerves and vice versa and i will have to play referee. I love it how I have Robbie over here every weekend too... hes a great kid sure.. but its never been reciprocated. Every weekend his parents get a free weekend... their kid gets free food.. a free taxi.. free supervised entertainment... and i get stuck with another teenager in here to look after, lucky me. I realize they live in an apartment so it makes it hard to have another kid in there... but what about when they lived in the semi? they were there for years!!! and it doesnt help they dont have a car.. so i have had to pick him up and drop him off for years... i guess thats the price to pay for russell having a decent friend. Some of the friends hes had... well WOW. If i have to have Robbie here its a small price to pay then like the weekend he went off to Brantford with that Aarron... omg...however one weekend would be nice to have where russell went to robbies ALL WEEKEND like he comes here,... The kid lives here 2-3 days a week. robbie actually listens to me too. Hes a good kid.. and they are quiet and when I need something done they do it. Its not like they are running around like idiots.. its always a pleasure to have robbie here.. otherwise I wouldnt HAVE him here... it just doesnt seem , well, fair.

Dell Finally took out their payment I see. Only took them 5 days later... I can believe they had the nerve to say I WAS in arrears because THEY were trying to take it out of the wrong account.. forget the wrong account.. it wasnt even MY account they were trying to take it out of... who knows whose account it was lol. hope the other person got it sorted out AND they don't try and charge them or ME for some stupid nsf fee!!! stupid people... nothing bugs me more than inept people... no inept people that call you up and YELL at you that you didnt make PAYMENT... i said its been SITTING there for a MONTH waiting for you to take it... what account are you TRYING to take it out of???? and then ask me when THEY finally fix the problem so when can we take payment??? how about 5 days ago when it was DUE???? i understand problems and mistakes happen... so DONT call me and YELL at me like I am bouncing the payment and/or on purpose... plus how did this happen when i already HAVE an account with you people at the same address and same phone # that comes out every month ( for 4 years aready) with no problems from the same account i wanted it too?>?? - shaking my head-

a dr from toronto called yesterday - a dr Philpot- hes muscular/skeletal.. apparently we have an appt for march 4th,... so now i have to figure out where the heck it is... i have an address and the info... march is going to be hectic... the 11th we go back to toronto to the tourettes clinic.. then the 12th is russells surgery.. somewhere in between russell has to have pre op... and an appt with dr sinton for a check up... then off for the surgery plus both kids off for march break...also have to take the kids for blood work this week... devon HATES needles.. took 2 nurses plus dean to hold him down last time.. FUN.

well devon wants to get on here... maybe it will entertain him long enough for me to vaccum the main floor... i really dont wanna but i have to... sigh

great now i have the hiccups

till later-


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